Welcome to AKIS Aid

Helping Rural Women Farmers

In October 2020, with support from the European Union, TrĂ³caire Sierra Leone established the Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKIS) Aid in collaboration with its implementing partners, ReCentDST Ltd and Orange Sierra Leone, an information mechanism designed to collect, process, and disseminate information on agricultural markets (prices and other information relevant) to farmers, traders, processors, and others interested in agricultural commodities. Women farmers' market power is often hindered by their lack of information on price at different points of the marketing chain; AKIS Aid aims to strengthen their bargaining position through better access to information.

AKIS Aid is a Management Information System that records, stores, disseminates and analyzes data collected on extension services as well as advisory services from rural women farmers. The solution enable users - especially women in agriculture in remote rural communities - with a mobile phone to access extension, advisory technical advice, and market prices within the coverage of the mobile phone network. It combines mobile phone access with database information system and data collection to intuitively provide latest weather, average market prices, nearest periodic market (Louma) locations, radio stations with agricultural information programs, fertilizer and seed vendor access details, contact information for Agricultural Business Centers (ABCs) and Financial Service Associations (FSAs).

How does it Work?

The AKIS Aid Solution comprises of a USSD Application, SurveyCTO Collect and a website Dashboard application. Enumerators or field officers collect data on relevant market information which is then inputted into SurveyCTO Collect and uploaded onto the server database through the Dashboard application. The Dashboard provides for the addition of more extension information including radio stations in the district, access to inputs and seedlings, and contact details of relevant organisations and input providers. The end user has free and direct access to the data entered via their mobile phone. The extension services data is presented to the end user through an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) application by dialing the short code *342#. The information is then displayed through a text-based menu system. The web dashboard provides backend administrative access to store, edit and manage the data in AKIS Aid.

The AKIS Aid Solution comprises of three main parts

  • AKIS Aid App

    A text based application that allows users to interact directly from their cellphones by making selections from a menu

  • SurveyCTO Collect Average Price Survey Form

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  • The Web Dashboard

    Quo totam dolorum at pariatur aut distinctio dolorum laudantium illo direna pasata redi

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The USSD Application (AKIS Aid app)

This text driven technology allows users to interact directly from their cellphones by making selections from a menu The application accesses a backend database on the cloud server that contains information uploaded through the Web dashboard and/or the survey collect tool.

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The Website Dashboard

The Website dashboard is a backend tool for an administrator to access the information in the database of AKIS Aid and update information in the database. An AKIS Aid Administrator can access the web dashboard. The dashboard presents the administrator with a snapshot of the totals of each of the categories required for the various menu options in the AKIS Aid solution.

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The Survey Tool

The AKIS Aid database is fed information through an Application Programming Interface (API) linked to a survey tool database. The survey tool used in this assignment is SurveyCTO Collect. SurveyCTO is an online application tool that facilitates data collection through electronic devices of different types online as well as offline.

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Image 1

Female farmer hervesting

Image 2

Farmers of Robat community.

IMage 3

Farmer spreading grains to dry.

Image 4

Stakeholders meeting

Image 5

Survey tool in use.

Image 6

Training session

Image 7

Women training


Contact Us

We are open from from 9am to 5pm every weekday. Feel free to contact us on the following:

Our Address

31C Lower Pipeline, off Wilkinson Road Freetown, Sierra Leone

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+232 xx xxxxxx